The Science Behind Candle Magic and Spellwork

  • Post by Avnikkaa & Karan Bhandari
  • Feb 12, 2022
The Science Behind Candle Magic and Spellwork

Have you heard of spells and incantations performed with candles? Have you seen people moving alphabets around to call a soul? There is a lot of science behind these practices. Some people like to engrave spells on candles and then anoint them with spices before burning the entire candle and making a wish.

But what is the science behind it all? Well, the idea behind candle magic is that the flame represents our intention, and the heat and light released from the candle help to magnify our intention and make it a reality. By adding spices and engraving spells on the candle, people are believed to add even more energy and power to their intention.

However, it’s important to note that this is not a widely accepted scientific concept, and many people may see it simply as a form of entertainment or superstition. Regardless, candle magic and spellwork have been a part of human cultures for centuries and continue to be popular today.

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The Science Behind Candle Magic and Spellwork
  • Post By Avnikkaa
  • February 12, 2022
The Science Behind Candle Magic and Spellwork